Trade Ally Hero

Trade Allies

heat pump resources by state


Learn more about heat pumps in your state: 


Learn more about heat pumps in your state: 


Learn more about heat pumps in your state: 

marketing materials

Co-branded general

Download co-branded general marketing assets for your business. 

Co-branded HVAC

Download co-branded HVAC marketing assets for your business. 

Co-branded weatherization

Download co-branded weatherization marketing assets for your business. 

Rebate Checklist

rebate checklist

Rebate Checklist

This checklist is a guide to assist you and/or your customer when applying online via the Rocky Mountain Power Wattsmart Homes portal.

Rebate Checklist

Trade ally support

We’re here to support our trade allies, and we truly appreciate all that you do. If you have questions, feedback or need help in any way, simply fill out the contact form or call 801-877-0715.

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